1. For three years, although its true that there are times when each of the words away, but I never regretted choosing Japanese. It is the dream of my childhood, it simply evolved from the "want to write a letter to thank Togashi sensei" to the "To learn more about the country should have trained his idol." But now I'm a little unhappy. He came back with the home mother, said her mother tongue and can not understand what you mean. : (. But I really do not want to learn Korean. Three months ago, then yes, but no. The feeling of excitement with it can not be equal to nearly 10 years to dream that could try that.
2 . For the first time in my life was eye opening. Suzuki-sensei no okakede: X. I first I still think, Tohoshinki in Japan as a singer, artist, and JE's boys as it is the idol. But in this study, I realized, in the Japanese entertainment industry now, no longer exists the concept of "artist" or "star" again, all became the idol, which is reasonable in the different levels * by senpai sensei said it was like another kind of idol bt a little *. Yeah, so, now is not uncomfortable with Who calls the idol he is anymore.
3. Proud. Yes, because the fangirls that, mentally in love with idols who doesn't know about my existence .=)), but the feeling when heard from the mouth of a Japanese, a university professor specializing in youth cultural studies for the compliment for me, I feel extremely proud, like yourself so be commended. ">. By now I think, Japan where he trained so today, not to say that 2005 debut, I do not know whether he is located and can be seen as the real power now.
4. My soulmate is probably going to have a boyfriend. I was also happy for it, but the feeling is not without unhappy. : (. Sometimes also thought to myself, apart from the face bad, where I also incompetent useless so much, love is a little extreme, but generally speaking one to play with their own easy to get along well. I just feel the craving for someone to love after all. YJ vid then review, then wounded two people.
5. Daijoubu one repeat all day. Since its release until now, may not hear it every day. All he felt lyrics, YJ just for, just for fans with this idol. Of love, not only for receiving. Well listen to both Tsubomi anymore, maybe because these days, or hang out with you. I like the junk away to my father, even if it goes flying lakeshore cafe or ">
6. Gakky really cute. In the first Hanamizuki pretty as that.
7. There are things he will play Poseidon Ho. Yeah so I just thought I was reading news, darling problem up alone, while the role of the Sm robbery Jae Ho close to him he does not think, reading com realized. Someone close to me also, as is the case, not to mention the new Jae casting but has accepted an invitation where that is false. Reading over my shoulder, I think you better ho. Relationship between two people is not inherently in January last few years, which was near decades, of course, there will be conflicts, if only because there is a story of this show or k may be present, I do not think so. I believe them. Fan, how much do anything to be twisted, out of ink that is then supported idol.
bullshit story ended