# comments
* Fujoshi = yaoi fans
N: Ueda had a question for radio
N: So now we're talking about people's opinions offline. San Ryuri from Ibaraki ken, 'Good evening, Ue sama, Ojisama'. (Ojisama = uncle, or older men)
U: Ojisama? (Laughs) N: As I have not you? U: (laughs) N: You're kidding huh? (Laughs) U: (laughs) "This is just my personal opinion only. Both men have said anything about "Fujoshi" no? They are people who have the imagination hysteria or enjoy seeing two men in love, and there are many fans of KAT-TUN is Fujoshi. I also was one of them. These people became excited when the members (of KAT-TUN) together, and when paired with people they like to flirt other. In the previous episode, people talk about that ball clear at all, and they did not fully understand something, so I decided to follow pursue this subject and re-open it again. Sorry if I make two people feel uncomfortable. Let's just see this as my personal opinion only. " Ueda: Ya ~ yayayaya.
Yucchi: Fujoshi. What do you think? Much like to hear about it but you?
Ueda: Iya, well that's all I know this already.
Yucchi: Eh?
Ueda: No means that where I live (that I did not have to love man
Small) ~ But we should not know it from the leaves ; u down? As we combine with someone, they would yell, "Kyaa ~ ~ ~". If so, I understand all about this! But, so what good is it?
Yucchi: Ah, this should probably ask the fujoshi. Ueda: Yup Yucchi: Anyway, we read the comments to this! Ueda: Yup "Mayu san from Aichi ken. The reason fans are hysterical because there are so many fans have KAT-TUN Fujoshi spirit. (Yucchi: Oh, her publicly from the beginning it always. Ueda: Yeaaa) Everybody in the KAT-TUN were rather handsome, cool, and fun. Once we love you, I'll have the energy to keep our feet that we can not go back. First of all, please understand the This, and Kazu Tatchan still considered Otome (feminine) of the group, or a female team, that's what makes him so easy trade, even when compared to the girls, and more beautiful. We wonder, "The members KAT-TUN remaining two people think he is not cute? "And it's a mystery to us, that everyone has a great idea hysteria. The first, if KAT-TUN not notice that the camera is great. Perhaps, this mystery never be answered. " Ueda: Iya ~ I know that Yucchi: Know what the huh? Ueda: That it is my very great! Yucchi: What are you talking about huh? Him! Ueda: I ~ ~ ~ ~ Full view it! Yucchi: I said it! He monkeys are talking about? (Laughs) Doing too!
Ueda: So she actually ended up writing about what?
Yucchi: Ask Questions and somebody else ... Ueda: On Fujoshi ... Why do not we do "Phone Battle" it? Yucchi: Ah, yes. So be good. Ueda: Question is, "You What do you think about this? ". Of course, we will also give their opinion. An exchange of ideas.
Yucchi: I want to do an exchange of ideas ~ Maa, we'll understand this stuff if we understand them.Ueda: Yup.
Yucchi: Okay, I understand. So Ask any comments. Those who think of themselves as Fujoshi, and feel satisfied when we call, please leave a phone number in an email offline. Ueda: Those who believe that will make us understand it.
Ueda: He is always talking about her past it?
Yucchi: Yes! I always said I could not understand. Ueda: Yes yes yes, we absolutely do not understand why there English "Kyaa ~ ~ ~" when we combine with the other. Yucchi: I do not understand! Why does it make everyone as "Kyaa ~ ~ ~" it?
Yucchi: So, to me ... There are times when we can not understand. Obviously, we What the hell we know about the existence of Fujoshi ~ Where It's like: "Oh, they expect things like that?" Ueda: Yes. Yes yes yes, there are some things we just know.
Yucchi: Well, one thing that I not too happy ... Koki is he ... I wonder if I was not imagine ...
Ueda: What the huh? Yucchi: Iya, I'm not sure anymore. Koki I do not know if you know anything about the existence of Fujoshi not. Clearly, in concert or on stage, he surely he must hear the screams but (because of his actions) ~ And we thought: "Ah, we're doing the right thing." . Recently, based first on the shoulder or Koki Taguchi or someone, is not? Ueda: Do not use Yucchi: I can not horror show for it (laughs). Koki do these things ah ...
Ueda: Of course, of course
Yucchi: He did so because he received the response from the audience.Yucchi: Yeah huh! Ueda: Please include Koki nhé! During the next phone! Yucchi: Yup, I want to talk to him ~ So, next time, over the phone, talk more about it ~ ~
Ueda: Wakarimashita!
Yucchi: Wakarimashita! ~~~~~~~~~
per month when overly naive princess and a guy Hime specific naive
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